Monday, July 28, 2008

Sudden Thunderstorm

It's 1.30am in the morning and I'm still wide awake, watching Project Runway. I should have forced myself out of bed much earlier this noon, instead of crawling out of it at 2pm.

The weather here has been pretty erratic recently. It was hot, hot, hot this afternoon when we went shopping. I had to put my shades on when we're out in the open or in the car, else I could barely open my eyes. Then not long after the night fell at 9, there were thunderstorm warnings flashing on the black box. Shortly after, we could hear the rustling of the leaves on trees, the sound of the rain and the loud roar of the thunders. And then, blackouts! Not once, but twice! Lucky the blackouts lasted for only a couple of seconds, and we had our torches nearby in the event that they lasted longer than I could bear.

Project Runway has ended and its really time for me to hit the shack. Ciao!

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