Friday, July 18, 2008

A Mundane Post

I finally drove the car out, up the freeway and then back to Schuncks to get some food! It's really quite an appalling experience. When I approached the roundabout, it was my basic instinct to drive in a clockwise direction. Only when hubby shouted, did I realised I should go in the anti-clockise route. Lucky it was a deserted road; there's no need for his anxiety. Many times when I turn right, I forgot to check back 1st to ensure there weren't approaching cars before I made the turn. Its coz when we make a right turn in Singapore, we only check the opposite side for oncoming vechicles. I guess I need a bit more practice before I can really get accustomed to driving a left-hand-drive car.

Anyway, more pictures of WH. After this post, I promised no more pics of WH. If you are not getting bored of seeing greenery, I am. Weekend is here and I promise more interesting photos around St. Louis.

Our car parked infront of our block.
The other side of our block where you see 3 storeys intead of 2.
The main door to the block.
The stairs we take daily to reach our apartment. I thought it looks quite spooky.
The water fountain, which we have only a partial view of it from our balcony.
The compound again.
That's hubby and Shaun Soh having a game of tennis.
Kids having a blast at the playground.

I'm seriously getting bored of my own pictures. I guess very soon, I'll run out of intriguing stories to write too.

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