Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back Home

I'm back since 3 days ago, and still very jetlagged. Slept from 6pm-7am last night, with a 2-hour dinner break inbetween from 2am-4am. I couldn't sleep a single wink the previous night cos I slept for 6 hours from 1pm in the day. My biological clock is extremely screwed up now. As I am typing this entry away, my heavy lids can barely remain open. Trying to force myself to sleep later to revert back to the normal, healthy sleeping hours asap. Yawn...

Weather in STL has been unexpectedly hotter than SIN. I don't recall it was this hot last year. The heat is so intense that I can practically feel my skin burn everytime I step out. I always have to ensure that I slapped on lots of sunblock not just on my face, but all over my exposed skin too in order not to get burnt. I think Hubby and the guys are crazy to go to the green for golf twice a week in this insane weather. Perhaps it's due to the lack of tall buildings and insufficient trees to cover the vast land, which explains why it is so much hotter here than it is in SIN. Welcome me to the oven, when I thought I had just came back from one...

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