Tuesday, September 1, 2009


As I am writing this entry, one of my besties is in the labour ward. I can imagine her screaming her lungs out n squinting her eyes while she is trying to push with all her might.

From this day on, our lives will never be the same with the arrival of a beautiful princess! More significantly, no more clubbing and no more getting sloshed. Yet I don't mind being the princess' nanny during our coffee trips. :p

I can't imagine going back to be greeted by my girlfriends, and BABIES!!! A good friend had given birth to a boy 6 months back, and 2 friends from the same group are now preggers with one trying to get pregnant. Just a couple of minutes ago, I received a msg on FB from the wife of one of hubby's good old pal, informing me of her first pregnancy. And last nite, G annouced her pregnancy over dinner too. I'm suddenly soooooooo excited with all the babies popping out, and am extremely overwhelmed by all the pregnancies around me!

Still, I think I am not ready for the pain and torture one has to go through during a pregnancy. As much as my galfriends are trying their best to educate me about the "ups" and "downs" of a pregnancy, I am still having jitters at the thought of myself carrying a huge tummy.

At least for the next yr or so, I do not have to be concerned with morning sickness, stretch marks n all that loot. It may be a blessing for me now, but I guess I will also be green with envy when I see my gal pals with their prized possessions.

***A, jiayou!!! I'll pray for u, and God is watching over u and ur gal. =D

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