Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cold, Wet & Dark Fall

How amazing is it that the temperature's able to dip more than 10 degree celsius in a week? It's freaking cold now, and we're only about 2 weeks into Fall. A wool coat + 2 interior layers weren't enough to keep me warm last night with a temp of 8.5 deg c and the gusty wind. I wished I had my gloves and scarf with me, but isn't it too early for them now? Things were made worsed when it rained for 2 long consecutive days. I barely get to see the Sun till today, and I hope it continues to shine throughout the rest of Fall. I hope too, that the weather permits me to wear my Fall coats more often before the boring Winter jackets have to made their reappearances again.

* It's gonna hit 0 deg c tonight, right smack in the middle of October. This is insane!

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