Thursday, October 15, 2009

Beauty Talk

Horror of horrors!!! I woke up to discover 2 deep lines under my right eye this morning!!! Is the one major sign of aging finally hitting me, or are the lines caused by the recent late nights and disturbed sleep?! Of course I hoped it's due to the latter, and that these lines will be gone before I know it. Or perhaps, the dry weather is making my drier skin creases easier now, and it may disappear once the oil secretion increases in the humid red dot. Sigh... Is my 6 years of religious application of SK-II eye gel coming to a naught? And those Meiji collagen powder, I thought they are suppose to prevent the appearances of the duanting wrinkles?! I'm so extremely perturbed by what I see in the mirror...

As my family's beauty and fashion consultant, Mummy has always tried her best to instill the habit of eye-cream and sunscreen application in us. As Mum age with grace, I'm aging with the ugly folds!

Was on the topic of how motherhood changes a woman with P today. It set me thinking hard; will I turn out to be one of those lazy wives/ mothers? I am not attractive to begin with, and so I need enhancers (read cosmetics) to look groomed. As the saying goes, there aren't any ugly women around, but lazy ones. I've always believe that one of the main duties of a wife is to stay as well groomed as possible. Let's be honest, who will like to introduce their fat/ unattractive/ sloppily-dressed spouse to their friends or colleagues? If you say you don't mind, stop being a scoundrel. Have you never thought "if my spouse has those killer bodies" or "if she could squeeze into that tiny dress for me" or "I wonder how she'll look like with makeup"? I've nothing against people on the big side due to genetic reasons, but I definitely disapprove of those (esp. the women) who let their weight balloon to an appalling number after child-birth/ marriage. Some said it's a chore to take heed of what goes into your mouth, especially since you're taken. Others said they need the massive energy to run after the kids. Come on, if the other wives can look good, why can't the rest? We don't see oursleves as often as our husbands & kids see us. So, give some respect to the man who toil hard at work! They won't want to come home to a haggard/ wobbly wife for sure! I pity those husbands who barely know how their wives look like with makeup on, as the last time they see these women looking pretty was on their wedding day.

Oh, why am I promoting incentives to look good? Shouldn't this be a woman's basic instinct? I may be on the route to aging, but I will try embrace that with much dignity and pride. I need to constantly remind myself that I have to follow Mummy's footsteps; she's made Dad a proud hubby even after decades of marriage. Melanin? Fashion disaster? Never in Mom's dictionary, and I admire her for that.

*For those new mothers trying to shed that last few kilos, jia you!!! It's now or never, so don't get exasperated yet! Think of those lovely family portraits, where everyone is looking good. Heh...

**If you're reading this, I hope you'll be more motivated to tone those flabs up a little. I will definitely prefer the old muscled body. :p

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