Thursday, August 14, 2008

Counting Down

In no time, my classes will be starting. I sort of dread going back to school now. Gone will be the days when I get to wake up at 10, msn the entire morning away, surf net till the hubby comes home, go out for walks, teas, etc. I am going to miss the carefree life I've been leading for the past 6 weeks. Sigh... I am so in my comfort zone now and it is always hard to break out of one's solace.

It does not help when my class schedule sucks. Though there will be no lessons on Fridays, my last classes end at 5.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Which means I will be home much later than hubby who normally reaches home by 4pm, and will still need to prepare dinner thereafter. The worst is, I will be having evening lessons on Tuesdays that end at a bizarre 9pm! Prior to that, I have a loooonng break from 11.30am to 6pm. I probably will have to come home to prepare dinner during this time and take another 20mins drive to school again. How more ridiculous can this be? In addition, it is pretty intimidating to drive myself home alone at night, when there are practically no street lamps along most roads. Double sigh...

The only thing that I am looking forward to now is meeting up with my course mates. They seem like an interesting bunch of people, having organized an evening out at the pub last night. I was invited to but did not attend the party as it was a celebration to the end of their first module, one which I was exempted from. Plus, the pub was near college and I was feeling sluggish to drive down all the way to meet the people I have not been introduced to yet. Actually the real reason was, I do not want to feel alienated in that kind of an atmosphere among a group of friends. Anyway I will have ample time to know them well, so I reckon it is fine to still remain as a mystery to them now. Tsk tsk.

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