Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am feeling so cold! My finger tips are perpetually cold the entire day, and much colder when the night falls. We're only exactly a month into Fall and here I am complaining about the chilly weather.

It is 9.30pm now, and half-way through my assignment I got to go grab a sweater and turn on the heater. One glanced at my favourite website, it's only 14 degree celsius! It should not succumb me to the heater, but I was just way too cold to not have it turned on. With the central heater now on, I guess I may need to get additional heaters to keep myself warmer during the colder weather. I am so useless...

We're expecting colder weather in the days ahead. Seems like from tomorrow onwards, the temperature will remain at 14 deg celsius at its peak and drop to 1 deg celsius on some nights. Bbrrr......

Btw, the days are becoming shorter now too. When we first came 3 months ago, night falls only at 9pm. It was alot more fun when we had longer days, cos we always had activities for the evenings then. Now when I come out from class at 6pm, the sky has already started to dim and it will be completely dark by 6.45pm. I was told that when winter comes, the sky will be completely dark by 4pm. How boring!

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