Thursday, August 27, 2009


I finally found the book I've been searching for for years!!! Not literally though, but almost. The Rapture of Canaan by Sheri Reynolds is THE BEST book I've read in my entire life. I cried buckets the night I finished it and was very much affected by the entire story for the next couple of days thereafter. I never knew life could be so cruel yet atoning. I've never "met" anyone like Sheri Reynolds who is able to produce a novel that makes the reader feel so much pain. Pain for a young girl who is torn between a warped religion and morals. I've always hated stories with anything less than a happy ending, but this is definitely a great read!!! A book that emphasizes on devotion in life's hardships and family love, on how much pain a young girl is willing to suffer for her loved ones.

Since it is such a magnificent book, I've recommended & lent it to numerous friends. The last was perhaps 10 years ago, and I totally had no recollection who was the last person who laid hands on my precious book. It went around for a long time and never came back to me, ever again. Given my puny memory, I could not even recall the title of my favourite book, except that it has the word "Canaan" or "Cannan" or "Cannon". I'd spent hours & days searching for books with such words on the net during the past years, all to no avail. Finally today God was good, and it took me less than 5 mins to find it on Amazon! So yes!!! I am sooooo going to purchase this prized read!!!

***P.S. Dear friends, does this picture ring a bell to you? Did you spot this book on your shelf and think it does not belong to you? If yes, it could be the one I'm looking for!

***By looking at the number of reviews on Amazon, it sure is a must-have on all bookshelves! It could not be anything far less than the best to be choosen as an Oprah Book Club Pick title too. I'm not kidding!

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