Thursday, February 26, 2009


Exams finally ended with the last paper this morning! I'd lunch with TWC at Uno's, and as usual, we spent the rest of the noon chatting and bitching over salad and tea.

Thereafter, I came back home and browsed through some old pictures both in my redbook (new name for my red lappie) and Facebook. Flashbacks of the frequent gatherings in the ER (entertainment room in our matrimonial home), drinking sessions with my fav clubbing partners, hanging with my girlfriends, etc, flooded me in waves. I miss those good ol'days so badly now, that I wish I had all my good pals here with me to bask in happiness together for the next 2 weeks. The nights we spent making merry, and dancing non-stop for 4 hours straight; those stamina, I wonder where had it all gone to. The bitching sessions, through cups of tea and plates of sushis, were what made my life so full of colours. I yearn for those days when I could get a girlfriend out at almost anytime of the day just at a push of a button, and spent the rest of the day lazing together. When we gossiped about the bitchiest girl while having our nails manicured, when we faked appointments to go for massage sessions together, and when we talk about guys and fast cars in coffee joints. These were pure life's pleasures. Friends, I can never live without. Though we're half a globe apart, and uncontactable via my faulty Starhub IAD, I know I am still very much a part of my friends' lives, just as much as they are part of mine.

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