Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Wedding Anniversary

Time really flies! Hubby and I have been married for a year now. It seems like it was only a couple of months ago when we were busy planning for our big day, and it felt like it was just yesterday when we were walking down the aisle. Alright, I was exaggerating, but you get my point. It's scary how fast time dashes by without us realising that there are so many things still undone. For example, I have yet to get Hubby a significant gift as a momento for our very first wedding anniversary.

I was browsing the net sourcing for ideas on what to get for him awhile ago.

Just as when I was in the Tiffany & Co. website considering if I should get this beautiful key ring for Hubby, he came into the room with my present.

He got me this very dainty ring from the place where I was thinking of getting his pressie! Great minds think alike! Haa... Not only did we both think of the same place to get our gifts, both items we chose had the same amount of diamonds on it, though my gift is alot cheaper than his. We are such a match-made-in-heaven, aren't we? *Wink*

I feel so guilty for not getting a pressie early enough to exchange for the lovely ring he got for me. Anyhow, I guess the pile of assignments shall be a reason valid enough to explain for the late gift. In fact, I am not anywhere near late since we are only a couple of mins into our anniversary day and I planned to get the key ring later this noon. =P

I have been craving for fresh oysters and foie gras. I've explicitly spelt out my cravings yesterday, and I hope do Hubby is sensitive enough to bring me to the right place to dine this evening. Tsk tsk... First wedding anniversary definitely have to be a speical night, isn't it?

Updates on 17Sept: No fresh oysters and neither did we have foie gras. ;( Hubby said it's because there is quite a huge population of animal rights activists, so I can only crave for them and salivate in my dreams. No key ring for Hubby too since he insisted he doesn't need anything. Initially I thought i can save me some money, especially when I a non-income earner now. However his bday is coming up in a couple of days. Maybe I should get him something bigger as a bday cum 1st yr anniversary gift. Any ideas? I'm clueless.


Unknown said...

ps3 lor, or professional texas poker player gloves

Gladys said...

That's like diggin my own grave right? I'm already a Poker-widow now, so no stuffs to prevent him from spending more time with me. =P

Unknown said...

or you buy a tazer..whenever he starts to play too much, you can taze him once or twice to make him remember..haha